jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010







12 comentarios:

  1. yea..you want close to me...me the one who talk real live...you no understand...then live come again..you want see real....no avril no one...me see use my heart...ya... no regret...live surely stop then...

  2. me see you no good singing...you sing always...me see you a girl....you style...a boy......you want close to me...you stay other country.....that is you me history....you against me.....me happy you walk besides me...see touch you hair....me like the color....are you now a person or just my memory in my mind....sms say hello 62-21-087889364460, write " hello ika....me avril "....could you....avril

  3. me regret...me think...once live time you me meet...me no touch you...touch a very beautiful pretty girl....then you show again against me..just to make me could see you..still no touch..me think me regret....no you..me see you happy...smile all time

  4. you unsatisfied you live...avril...me know you sad inside..deeply..no man at home...your mother busy take care farming...avril..you know me looking for my hawa....no in Europe...me don't know white or black...me no passion on white..seems touch my self...funny if black...me no like black...look ugly...yellow...seems no deeply in love...what you advise..avril

  5. you cry...no want move out colony...you mother sad too...leave farm....your mother want you progress...you live..meet fancy people...offcourse many want you...you say "no" always...why...you say you still child..you 19..no child anymore..me still child..okey..what do you want...go to central..may I...no..no ability..engage with young prince..who...Australia...new Zealand....still primitive..mila...you farming there...Holland for journey..mila..you no like shipping....you no want engage..then you do what....play sand...show you sexy around..use long pants then....no..no..long pants...oh you shy...mila...or you want man see you sexy....ohhh...you go camp...with old lady....no.....oh you worry.....lady want taste you sexy.....ya...so what....you engage like or not...

  6. me want talk to leader...before start engage procedure... okey....you want rest time..me quess..talk to leader if acceptable..you want delay time...useless mila...think you mother...old...she is the one need rest...not you...

    hallo...mila...need my opinion...at sofa front me...
    yah...leader....me no want engage...me no passion...me like alone....
    okey...you want stay colony alone...do what...pretty....
    take care palace....at food storage.....
    no...you too beauty for that purpose..kingdom lost...you must know many west do best to survive...sad...poor...lonely....
    you smart beauty needed...
    me still little child...to engage....
    mila...honestly...me in passion to touch you...you run away surely....why..mila...me walk to you sofa kiss you...ya...
    no...no....you scary me...leader...me come for your opinion..
    engage ....mila.....no other way....you no proper work hard..
    who my prince..then...leader.....state your opinion...
    you no want big person...no want fat person...you want redwest...you in passion for redwest......busy in highland...me no want you at highland...no proper beauty girl at dirty land....me think new Zealand...small island ....too far actually...me no check you anymore...
    okey...new Zealand.....who is the prince....
    mila...no think to come highland yea....no proper for you...
    prince still young...21 years...good looking...tall..tiny...serious face...you like serious face..mila...he come to central find living princess....
    me want journey with prince, see what happened next.a year...
    my opinion nothing...mila...you want delay you live...think prince destiny...he have big responsibility....sad future..me worry...
    me want meet prince..then...before...
    no...me see you no serious...you waste prince time....
    me as quess at prince palace...
    you no understand..mila....that is imposible....your coming here useless..right...see...me no opinion for you too...waste you me time....you back again later...ya...
    me want stay at colony alone......

  7. mila..no opinion from leader..
    yah..what me should do, then...
    you mother want you engage...she know leader like you engage prince new Zealand...good looking prince...still young...he said a new house like at colony for you middle forest.....
    leader no state opinion....no valid actually....
    yeah...you asked difficult condition before engage...no need leader opinion anymore...too long you at kingdom...you should support prince....start tomorrow..you teached how to farm..cooking...make dry food..make cake...order workers...mila...prepare you self...

    ohh..good morning..mila...wow you farming...look dirty..me see you...ohhh..you no like my visit you....ohhh..angry eye..
    leader..why you come here...me dirty....me wash my hand...ya.
    no..you continue farming....you dirty look sexy....mila....
    leader...me no like farming...me stay at palace..yeah...
    no...many girl in palace...all busy...have own business....
    mila....me know you sexy...me like see you sexy...you no want dirty...you want show you sexy all time....actually..me still want you play sand...and me see you sexy when me pass you...you 19 years..no one want touch you...you around me....me want touch you...you shy...scream loudly...many see you....look me see you little island here...ohh...smooth still no hairy yeah...ohh...you know me like that..no hairy...
    leader....me stay a year in colony...you agree....
    you just delay you live...no change in a year...you show you sexy to me....make me dream it....me write request for you use long pants..mila...
    nooo....no see my little island, then...you see it always..
    yeah...yeah...you surely say that...me no care...you use long pants.....how you show it really sensual...mila...me miss you really...really white... smooth...look soft...no hairy...me in high passion...me confius my walk then...you smile around me when me walk...you do it in new Zealand make them all feel live....forget difficult live.... look you open you leg between widely...me see it again...ohhh...mila...mila...
    me work... leader...it could happened any time....
    lady no like that.... you...that is your style...show it oftenly...you 19...mila....you want walk with me....
    no....me like stay at home.....alone...
    yeah...stay at home do nothing....
    me at palace food storage.....
    ahh...me go away....mila......take care you self...next week me come to you again...use long pants...

  8. mila....good morning....leader call you to come palace...

    ohhh....mila....come in....at sofa front me....this is a letter for new Zealand prince...from palace west colony...you tell me if no agree...ya....me want no secret with you....okey listen carefully......
    okey......leader.....me listen carefully.....

    mila....sweet girl...in west colony.....
    take care really carefully.....10 years......
    no one touch mila..mila the sexiest little girl west colony. once see mila....dream her all time.....dream sweet smile...
    like at home....at yard.....play sand..when little girl....
    like short dress....need attention....beauty habit.....
    like see eye admire her.....need attention.....sexy habit....
    like beat you heart....happy mila....carefully take care her..
    white flower at middle west.....clean heart.....want nothing..
    see no really happy in 10 years at west colony.....no birthday party....no quest coming to home....live alone with mother....no want go market with leader...just stay at home.

    okey...you agree my letter to you engage....mila....
    yeah....okey....me agree....
    stand up...mila....me want see you with long pants....
    ahh...leader...is it necessary...
    offcourse necessary...7 days later you go meet you prince...
    okey me stand up....
    move to middle room........
    ooooohh mila.....you still sexy.......look you back...ohhh

  9. princess mila....come walk with me to step up my ship.....
    wait a moment...me want talk to leader a moment.....
    okey...me wait....

    ya...princess mila...what's a matter..
    walk with me....leader.....
    ya...okey...no far from you engage...
    leader...you want me go far from you...really....me..mila...
    yeah...me know..me lost...far from you....beauty pretty girl...10 years see you everyday...me carefully to you princess mila...me old....you beauty child..what do you want...mila.....
    you want touch me...leader....do it now......
    no useless for me...leader...me remember always you touch....
    okey you touch me first...mila......
    nooo... leader....me a child.....

    okey....me leave you......good bye....mila....

  10. ika budi
    metland menteng j4 no. 1
    Jakarta timur
    hp no: international call-62-21-087889364460
    email: ikabudi123@yahoo.com
